Simple Subscription
Simple Subscription

Simple Subscription

(0:00) yeah greetings to you today’s tutorial will be on (0:08) simple subscription (0:12) as you can see here this is simple subscription (0:19) so but before I dive in into the tutorial I want to pass on let me say an important message (0:32) yes important message is this please please and please this nsktradehub platform (0:45) this is a very big marketplace this is a very big marketplace (0:56) any kind of business at all you do or any kind of service at all you offer (1:07) it is included here yes any kind of service any kind of products you sell (1:18) almost everything (1:22) as long as buying and selling that is offer service and pay for the service offer product (1:31) and pay for the product it is here so in case if you your kind of service or kind of (1:45) product you offer the tutorial is not provided here in our platform please contact us (1:54) through our customer support and explain your business or the service you provide (2:01) we will make a tutorial for it so that it will be easier for you because we want everyone (2:08) especially as an as a sucker is involved we want everybody as long as you want to join (2:17) nsktradehub platform we want it to be easy for every single person nobody will be left behind (2:30) every single thing you think you do that people can pay for you can bring it here (2:39) is it bricklaying is it carpentry work is it weather any kind of service at all as long as (2:54) it is what people want to get a service or a product people want and they will pay for it (3:05) so you can bring it here if the tutorial is not here please contact us we cannot get the whole (3:15) tutorial at once but when if your own is not here let us know we will make a tutorial for that (3:23) kind of service or product for instance take a look this is a simple subscription (3:32) that’s a simple subscription kind of product then let’s take a look you can see simple (3:39) subscription you can see variable subscription you can see a pointable product and look up here (3:48) you see bookable product these four um products i mentioned now each of them is very fast (4:00) each of them includes so many kind of service products inside it (4:08) so any kind of service you want at all to bring to this platform (4:17) either if it is not in any of this there is no problem we still have more services more (4:23) products type service products call me (4:26) if you don’t say it yet let us know explain to us we will provide you the tutorial on how to do it (4:37) i believe every single thing you want to do even if you’re a a agricultural person maybe (4:49) a pottery person farming person any kind of thing you do as you want to bring it to this platform (4:58) and the tutorial is not here please just contact us through our customer support (5:05) and explain the business we’ll make a tutorial for it you get so let’s select this and move on (5:14) okay so for this simple subscription and generally in every product you’re creating (5:21) on this platform make sure you select this catalog make sure you select this catalog (5:34) then for this particular kind of service you have to select virtual product because this service (5:44) is not a tangible (5:49) product when i mean tangible what i mean by tangible products a product you can see (5:55) touch you understand like a product someone can come on this platform (6:03) pay for it and you ship it to the person this this kind of tutorial this kind of service (6:11) simple subscription you don’t ship it rather is a service you offer people and when they pay here (6:19) they you offer them the service so you don’t ship it is not a tangible product (6:25) so for the fact that this is a service you offer you have to choose only this catalog (6:34) for the displaying of this product on the (6:40) marketing platform that is in the general home page where it will display and customers will (6:46) come there and see it then downloadable you shouldn’t choose downloadable for this particular (6:51) service because it’s not a product someone can download if it’s a product like you’re selling a (6:58) or you’re selling um something else like someone can pay for and download it that’s where you put (7:06) downloadable okay so the service type i choose here is simple subscription then the the product (7:16) title will be because the kind of service i want to render here is (7:23) business i call it bis advertisement that is advertising people’s business (7:37) yes this is one of business solution soft does advertising people’s business now (7:48) in this particular kind of business you subscribe to our service and (7:58) who gets your business and the things you do (8:05) and then do the advertisement the necessary advertisement that has to do with it (8:11) but for the sake of this tutorial i will not go deep explaining some things about this (8:17) um business what i will just do is simply show you how to create a subscription (8:27) a kind of product here in case you are doing a service that needs (8:35) that is a subscription type people can subscribe to it then you offer the service so that’s when (8:44) you will use this either this simple subscription or variable subscription so let’s go on now i (8:52) have chosen the name to be peace advertisement this is the title of the business the title of (8:58) the service i’m rendering now this one say sign up fee this sign up fee is not necessary for this (9:09) kind of business yes i wouldn’t want to add this sign-up fee because if i add this sign-up fee (9:18) someone can subscribe to our service today after one month the subscription have expired (9:25) you now want to subscribe again the person still have to pay the sign-up fee again which i wouldn’t (9:31) want you understand so for that reason i will not pay add sign-up fee for this business (9:39) so depending on your own kind of business you now know whether you you want people to (9:47) you know you would like to add this sign of a sign-off fee if you don’t want to add it (9:52) there’s no problem depending on the kind of service you offer okay so now the next day this free trial (10:01) do i want to give people free trial yes i want so i would like to give something like um let me say (10:10) two weeks or let me see one week trial one week trial if i like i’ll say one week click here (10:22) you can see day maybe one day one week one month one year so but i prefer one week trial (10:30) you get now after the one week trial how much the person is supposed to pay (10:35) the subscription price is let me say um let me choose two thousand (10:44) then two thousand every month if you like come here say two thousand instead of every you can (10:53) say every second of the month every third of the month every fourth of the month so you know as you (11:00) can see but i prefer every month again i prefer every month so even if you come here you can choose (11:12) every day every week every year but i prefer every month so two thousand every month then the next (11:20) thing here is expire uh expire afterwards then you choose click this place expire after one month (11:30) you get now this sale price i don’t want to add this price here because this sale price (11:39) the difference between this sale price and i think i’ve done this in in one of the tutorial (11:44) here this sale price the actual price excuse me you want to sell instead of this two thousand (11:54) here you may choose maybe you want to sell something like maybe 1500 so when you choose (12:01) 1500 and complete this product creation that means what the person have to pay for one month (12:11) the 1500 instead of 2000 so the 2000 will be displayed there but it will be cancelled (12:19) showing to pay 1500 but i don’t want that what i want in this tutorial is just for the person to (12:25) pay 2000 for this service okay yes then this next one is a schedule this schedule here (12:33) this schedule i will not add it in this um tutorial because this service i’m trying to create (12:41) now doesn’t require um schedule like from social time to social time but if you are offering a (12:50) service that have a specific time you need to start social time and end social time then you (12:57) can choose this maybe you are teaching something online maybe the service you are rendering maybe (13:04) a service of teaching something you know you specify the time you want you know things of that (13:11) kind just the kind of service you want tell you how to use this okay so for the fact it’s not going (13:20) to be part of this i now remove it and the next thing is subscription like sorry description (13:28) short description i have taught you in the previous tutorial how to write description (13:35) so i don’t need to talk much here i will simply write just short description for the purpose of (13:43) this tutorial because in unreal uh this thing creation creating your service you need to (13:51) describe your service both short and um what is it called full description you understand so (14:05) i’ll just leave this in here like this just for the sake of you to do here now because it is a (14:12) what is it called advertising business i’ll read you an image here image i’ll add there is image (14:19) that will tell customers what it’s all about you understand so let me just choose (14:31) let me just choose this one this is the image this is the image of the (14:41) in fact if you have been here if you have been following the tutorial i’ve been making so (14:47) i shouldn’t know bother myself explaining this shouldn’t bother myself explaining this (14:55) so the image is loading so the image i’ve loaded now click select so it will appear here (15:04) let me add gallery at least one or two (15:08) so (15:16) choose this one add (15:22) as it is still loading let’s wait it’s uploaded now and then let’s add one more (15:33) gallery it’s uploaded now so let’s add it so we have the product image and to gallery image (15:56) so what’s the category because it’s a subscription plan you have to choose (16:04) the sub for subscription then for the brand is still the subscription brand let’s choose sub (16:20) what do we add in our tag like you have you know i think i’ve put this in your app (16:26) um to do that so what would be our tag our tag should be uh advertisement one say promotion (16:40) the ad i’ll say bees (16:58) um let’s say bees ad or let me call it business (17:16) advertisement so these just the tags i wish to (17:19) go for it so that is okay let’s move on uh catalog visibility i’ve told you i think i’ve (17:29) explained it before now now um this catalog something so this is okay you have to leave it (17:39) like this come to this uh inventory um you don’t need to do much here but it is already having (17:48) in stock so leave it like this then come to this sold individually in previous tutorial i’ve thought (17:56) something about this sold individually yes this product can be sold individually like click this (18:03) blue currency enable this to only allow one of these items to be bought in a single order (18:12) so i want it to be so i mark it so this one is task task is already okay it’s taxable and then (18:23) class of the task standard so i think nothing more it gets nothing more yes nothing more look (18:33) at this whole place look at this i have taught all these things in previous (18:39) um class and some here are not necessary to add so what we do is to save (18:49) so in the previous tutorial i have been using submit (19:00) before but it’s simply a mistake like i forgot if you are creating your product any kind of (19:09) you don’t have to create click submit because if you click submit automatically it will get to the (19:18) total market general marketplace where anybody can see it even though you may not have completed (19:25) the creation of it so what you need to do is each time you are creating a product when we create (19:33) finish or create maybe a halfway whichever one the first thing you need to do is use drafts to (19:40) save it then preview it and check how the customer will see it if it becomes what you want you test (19:50) it there to be sure of whether it is what you want is what is giving you before you can now (19:56) publish for a person to see it gets to now click this draft so it will be saved in the draft (20:05) and i’ll be able to preview it here as a as as a vendor it gets after previewing it here as a (20:15) vendor i will now see it is okay like i want if it is okay like i want i will not publish (20:23) it are you getting me so now we are we we are done creating it (20:31) and save it as draft now let me preview it (20:49) so you can see the products uploaded now so take a look at the product (20:58) this product image these are those galleries we added you understand these are these galleries (21:08) were added so let’s move on look at how it is um this is the name of the business is (21:19) peace advertisement brand is sub look at that price we are talking about two thousand two (21:26) thousand naira for one month with one week free dryer are you seeing it so this is a short (21:33) that you display to explain more about this business are you getting it okay look at (21:42) a c quantity because i choose one only one of these products can be paid for (21:50) at the time that’s why this thing cannot add so it is only one you can buy anybody can buy you get (22:03) it now look at this you want to see sign up because it is a sign up service (22:12) you get since the subscription service it is sign up that you need to let me click sign up and see (22:21) what’s will happen you can see the sign up is (22:25) reloading so let’s watch it have added to our cart so let’s view (22:37) cards see whether what’s happened and how it is (23:01) so (23:01) this is the product you you want to buy and you have chosen the product so this is how you can (23:08) review a product from creation to the to the to the final when how the the customers will (23:18) how it will appear to the customers and how everything will go about it you can see the name (23:24) business business business advertisement two thousand naira for one month (23:31) due today then free dryer for one week name of the store if you want to run the product (23:38) you know are you getting it then this is um add coupon uh if this person have had the coupon you (23:48) know click here to add your coupon code but so far you do not have it let’s move on they say (23:55) the sub data then total due today is the total amount is just two thousand hundred naira (24:04) you understand (24:07) look at this one more detail click this to view more detail are you seeing more detail (24:14) sub data is two thousand packs 100 naira then total is two thousand if you want to place order (24:21) you click place order so now this is how (24:41) it appears for the sake of tutorial that’s why you are seeing this direct bank transfer (24:50) you understand so later this direct bank transfer will not be here you can choose (24:56) uh this flutterwave payment method and then pay online this address you understand just this how (25:06) it’s going to be now you’re getting it for the customer that will pay for the service then proceed (25:14) to flutterwave if i click here now it will take me to flutterwave and i have to now make payment (25:21) so but i don’t want to continue okay so i have to go back so if you watch this tutorial from (25:29) a to z i believe this will teach you all you need to know i’m creating a simple subscription product (25:39) for any kind of business at all that you think that is a subscription kind of business (25:48) if your own kind of business is not the tutorial is not here is not on this platform (25:57) just let us know explain the business how it runs (26:07) thank you

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