publish Product/Create Resources

publish Product/Create Resources

(0:00) okay greetings to you today’s tutorial will be on (0:09) on two things yes i will teach you two things in this one tutorial (0:18) number one is publishing your product after creation you know in previous tutorial i (0:29) taught you how to i taught you that you you should be creating a product that is why creating a (0:38) product you should be creating you should create your product and save it as draft you can see (0:45) this thing this blue button on the top here said draft edit product draft so this thing you are (0:54) seeing draft here is the status of this product meaning this product that we’ve created is still (1:01) unsaved as draft is not yet published you get so since it’s not yet published so (1:11) after creating the product and you save it as draft then preview it i think you can record this (1:21) tutorial yes you can record where we did this tutorial so then after saving it as draft (1:29) and preview it i told you you preview to check how the product will appear to the customers (1:38) are you getting it so to confirm it is what you want is what you will see how you want customers (1:45) so you use this to preview to test and check it is what you want if it is not you come back and (1:53) edit again to get it right before you now click submit this submit will publish the product (2:01) so what you have to do here now is to publish this product you understand by clicking submit (2:10) so when i click submit now like you are seeing me click now this product will become (2:16) published and when it becomes published it will appear to the home page that is in the (2:22) general place where customers can see the product and be able to (2:29) order it so you can see product successfully published okay so we are done with this one (2:39) then the other thing i will teach you is this creating resources okay as you can see now this (2:48) is the the status of this product have changed to published you can see it’s a simple to publish (2:56) your product so another thing i will teach you is creating resources creating resources is (3:04) a part of some other tutorial which i have made or about to make i can’t remember exactly but (3:13) it’s part of another tutorial you know um um when you get to when you are creating a product like (3:23) let me say this accommodation product and the bookable product yes these are these two products (3:32) requires um resources so i will teach you how to create resources for such products (3:46) so let me um go to that page and get the product get to the resources page then teach you how to (3:56) create search okay let’s move um under booking you can see bookings here (4:07) under bookings and the appointment i think this still have this feature i’m talking about but (4:14) let’s use bookings so the same thing you do the other place the same thing you can do to (4:21) the other one so let’s click bookings (4:36) okay so after (4:39) clicking on the (4:49) so after creating um clicking bookings and then it will bring us to this page (4:56) you can see the first one say create booking they do not there create bookable product still (5:02) they do not there this one say manage resources this one say booking list this one say bookings (5:09) calendar so click this booking sorry manage resources get so this manage resources where (5:19) we are going to do our work so looking at as this result is loading you can see processing (5:29) look at this top right here you can see four black boxes so each of these represents something (5:40) one this one that is below here that looks like briefcase watch me click it that is the one we (5:47) are going to click to add um resources you get to add the resources to um this uh add the resources (5:58) to your to your products so yeah to your product share depending on the products you are creating (6:05) like um this one is about booking so when you are in this particular account is going to use this (6:16) resources for its um bookable product so why we’re creating bookable products this (6:25) is the one of the resources we will use and i will explain what this resources is so that you’ll be (6:34) very clear with it so for you to create resources you click this one at the below edge here looking (6:41) briefcase and these ones you are seeing here is the what is it called this thing we have created (6:47) before resources we have created before and the way as long as you you are um like you own this (6:58) account all the resources you create both for um both for uh appointing both for accommodation and (7:10) the bookable product accommodation product and bookable product as long as all these accounts (7:16) belongs to you any of the resources you create will be will support anywhere you want to use it (7:24) you will use it okay so let’s move on click on this blue one you can see this one that is looking (7:32) green add new resources so it’s loading when it loads you’ll be able to create the resources (7:39) okay so look at the interface where we are going to create the resources (7:46) now i will tell you what resources is get out there what resources is so that you will know (7:55) how to create resources for the product you’re creating in fact simply about your business the (8:05) kind of business you do if you do accommodation business like hotels and other things that offer (8:13) accommodation anything at all you do does offer accommodation let me just use accommodation to (8:18) explain then you you create some things called the resources you understand you’ll be offering (8:27) together with the accommodation booking you get (8:39) okay let’s start um i said let me teach you how to create these resources now what resources simply (8:56) is is um you know i’m using uh i’m using hotel bookings to teach this so that (9:09) um to be more clear or let me just i’m just using um hotel bookings to teach this (9:21) please i’m still begging if your own business your own business like the kind of business you do (9:31) require resources and then you you you you could not be able to like (9:40) you know create your own resources with this the idea of this tutorial i’m making now (9:47) you can still contact us and we will make a tutorial for that kind of business (9:54) if the business requires resources like this one and with this tutorial you don’t know how to create (10:03) you still could not like um find out how you can create your own resources then contact us (10:12) and explain to us the business and we’ll use that business and make a tutorial for that (10:21) kind of business okay so now i’m moving on um number one is resource title (10:32) we need to add a resource title okay you know like i was trying to explain um resources just (10:39) the service like this hotel thing now you know someone can book a hotel room just (10:47) to sleep overnight and the next day then (10:52) move away and go his or her business he she may not need any other thing from him just (11:01) a place he can just you know keep his head or her head (11:06) overnight then the next morning he she moves on he she may not need anything from you (11:14) but still someone may need some other services for instance someone may um (11:23) book a hotel and will need something like you know your food like (11:30) we like you to serve your food maybe morning afternoon night you get or you like to (11:39) other services like the person would like to have a drink like you know once you like to drink (11:48) you know sometimes you sit down and drink it’s still a part of it um something like um (11:55) swimming the person also would like to swim you understand so um something was like um (12:06) let me see gym and fitness classes yes the person you like want to book the hotel room and still (12:18) add um gym and stuff to it you know would like to have access to gym are you getting it so far (12:27) the person would like to have access to it it’s possible for the person to book this hotel together (12:34) then pay for it are you getting it so this is what is called the resources not just the room but (12:43) not just the room you pay for but the other thing he she may need that will help him to stay there (12:50) so in this tutorial we are going to use um dining package that is a three you know the person will (12:58) book the room the hotel room and also book your a three services you get so that’s what we are (13:07) going to do now so now the resource that you should be dining package (13:17) you get let’s use dining package (13:23) dining package become the title of this (13:29) resources so the available the available quantity i will use three that’s a morning (13:35) afternoon and night you get so do i say you now say resource detail in this resource detail (13:46) what you simply need to do here just choose time when you’ll be serving him her this food (13:55) because you have chosen three so meaning morning afternoon night so the first one should be let’s (14:00) morning what time will you serve the morning food you now choose here let’s go within the you now (14:08) see a range of weeks range of days what we’re going to choose here is time range all weeks (14:15) because it’s within the weeks we are going to use it and we are going to work with time not (14:20) even go to work with time so we choose time and then time range and all weeks (14:30) it gets to from what time to what time we serve him her the morning food let’s see put it here now (14:39) um (14:55) yes perhaps between 6 a.m see between 6 a.m on the 7 30 a.m yes (15:09) 6 a.m on the 7 30 a.m in the morning you must have served him the morning (15:20) that is like a breakfast so then this question i said bookable is it bookable yes because that’s (15:29) why you’re creating this you want it to be bookable while the person is booking the room (15:34) you can select this and add it to the booking stuff okay now priority yes this priority okay (15:44) we’ll get down we’ll get here and see what priorities are about i’ll choose one (15:51) i’ll choose one because i want this one to run first okay so now the next one should be afternoon (16:01) afternoon period still use that and say uh you were serving afternoon food within what time let’s (16:09) 12 (16:25) 1 30 (16:30) so between 12 am to 130 pm you must have served him the food (16:38) okay so you must have something launched the weather is it bookable yes you see (16:45) the bookable then the priority of this should be two okay now let’s add the (16:52) third one third one must say time or weeks from what time we like to serve the (17:04) even in front that is do now and let’s say 6 p.m. (17:32) yes bookable okay the priority will be three okay (17:42) so look at this rule you have said something here he said rules with a lower (17:49) priority number we override the rules with a higher priority for example 9 (17:56) overrides 10. Are you getting it? Ordering is only applied within the same (18:04) priority and a higher order overrides lower order. Simply, it runs from 1 to the higher one, you understand? (18:16) Like these things are stated here now, in the rule of the order and the rule of the ordering, 1 will run before 2, 2 will run before 3, if we have orders, it will run the same way.

(18:27) So now we are done creating these resources for the hotel service. So if you have another thing, after that you click submit, then if you have another thing, you can still create another one after this, like I have created this one, maybe you have for (18:57) swimming, you can still create for swimming and give times when the person can go to swim. If it’s gym, gym and fitness access, you can still create it and give good time when the person can go to the gym stuff.

(19:20) So likewise every other service, you can still use this idea and create your own resources, things that make up your resources, things you can call the resources in your own field, like gym, we will still do a tutorial on gym on this platform. (19:49) But when we do a tutorial that has to do with gym, it will provide resources for the gym, like one we have here, like this one, yoga class, yoga class, so these are still the resources we have made for the gym product type, you understand? (20:14) Like you have a gym center now and you want to create a booking service for it and that booking service for it, you still need resources there. So we have created one already, but while doing the tutorial, you will see how we use these resources, okay? (20:37) So the person that is booking it should still pay for the whole thing you are talking about.


Are you getting it? So let’s move on. So we’ve submitted this one, let’s move on to the next tutorial. We have to stop this one here, okay? So thank you.

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