Bookable Product

Bookable Product

(0:00) Yeah, greetings to you. Today’s tutorial will be on bookable products. (0:09) Yes, it’s going to be on bookable products.

We have done all this except this external (0:17) something. So, we are not ready to offer this service. (0:30) So, let’s move on.

This bookable product requires these resources. (0:35) It requires all this information as in here, like catalog is a must, then has resources (0:41) and has a person, then a virtual. Virtual also is a must.

(0:48) Then, if you prefer to add has resources and has a person, it is your choice. (0:55) So, but as we go down the way we learn better to know if we need it or not. (1:03) Anyone you think you did here, you just mark it.

So, the next thing is (1:10) product title, which is yoga class. You can see it is yoga class. (1:15) Then, we move on.

I’ve talked about description, short and the full description. (1:21) This is the image of the product. You will be aware of this.

(1:26) So, image of the product. These are the images that discover the product. (1:33) Okay.

So, we choose the product category, Booking Pro and then gym. (1:42) Okay. So, the brand is just gym.

You can see it. The tags are exercise, fitness, gym, training, (1:54) yoga. You can choose any tag you think you know.

I think in one of the tutorials, (2:01) I have explained the meaning of tags. So, if you have nothing to do, (2:07) check it to understand why this tag is necessary. Then, catalog disability, leave it like this.

(2:20) Now, this booking option. Under this booking option, (2:28) you see booking duration. Okay.

In this booking duration, the first one I say, (2:35) fixed blocks of and customer defined blocks of. So, for now, I want to work with this fixed block (2:48) of. So, what blocks mean here is batch.

Like first batch, second batch, third batch and the (2:58) rest of the batches. Like in your gym center now, you have first batch, you have second batch (3:05) and have third batch. If possible, fourth batch as you wish.

Okay. So, like I was saying, (3:14) in your gym center, you will have batches like you have morning batch, (3:21) maybe afternoon batch or evening batch. But in this tutorial, we’re going to have just three (3:26) batches.

Morning batch and evening batch. Two batches in the morning and one batch in the (3:32) evening. So, that batch means blocks.

So, whenever I say blocks, I mean batch. (3:39) Hmm. So, in each batch or each block, it stays for two hours.

I can say it fixed block of two (3:47) hours. Hmm. So, each batch stays for two hours.

Now, calendar display mode. Yes. Choose calendar (3:55) display mode.

How you want your calendar to be displayed. That’s where the customer will choose. (4:03) You understand, choose a day you want to book and the time you want to book.

Okay. So, I prefer (4:09) this, follow this calendar display mode. So, I like it.

Then the next one is requires confirmation. (4:18) You, the manager of the gym center, will you want to be confirming each booking? If you want to be (4:28) booking, that’s for you. But for this tutorial, I wouldn’t want that because it’s not necessary.

(4:38) It’s not necessary. If you, if someone books and is not available, the person will see it’s (4:45) not available. If it is available, the person will see it is available.

And once it’s available, (4:50) the person can just start coming and it should be free. Okay. Now, the next thing I say, (4:58) can it be canceled? Yes, the booking can be canceled.

Then, if your own booking can be (5:04) canceled and I advise you, it should be able to be canceled because someone can book a yoga class (5:12) and something came up and he choose to cancel it and get refund. Yes. So, but you now have to decide (5:21) um, the time the person have to cancel the, the, the, the bookings.

Like before the booking starts, (5:33) if the person have maybe choose, um, let’s say 4 p.m. When the person booked 4 p.m. and before the (5:43) 4 p.m. something happened and, uh, he couldn’t make it, he will not be able to make it again. (5:50) You don’t have to cancel it. What time interval will you need so that the person will cancel it (5:56) and you become aware that this person is no longer coming? You understand? How, what is the time (6:04) interval you would prefer? Because if the person cancel the, the, the bookings, then it will make (6:14) for another person to be able to book it.

Okay. So you prefer, like for this tutorial, I said one (6:21) hour. If you like, you can say maybe one month, one day, uh, one hour, one minute, any how you (6:30) want it.

Even if you like, you can come here and say, like I say one hour, you can say two hours, (6:35) you can say eight hours, you can say five hours, you can just say anything you want. I’m just using (6:41) one hour for the sake of this tutorial. So you that are doing, uh, your business knows how (6:47) convenient it will be for you and you choose the best time for you.

Okay. So let’s move on. Tax is (6:55) normal.

I don’t need to talk about that one again. Let’s go straight to this availability. Now, (7:02) um, maximum booking per block, maximum booking per batch.

Are you getting it? So in this one, (7:13) we’ll have maximum booking per batch to be 15. That is a particular set that we’ll run. For (7:20) instance, 6 to 8 AM in the morning, we’ll have a set of like 15 people, meaning maybe the gym (7:31) that have like 15 assets, that 15 equipments, that’s the people coming for the class we use.

(7:40) Okay. So when that first 15 are done, they will not give way. Then another 15 will come (7:48) for the next batch.

Are you getting it? So I choose 15 just for the sake of this tutorial. (7:55) Okay. So that’s the maximum booking per block.

So 15 people can enter per block. (8:02) You get. Now the next one says minimum block bookable in the future.

Yes. Minimum, minimum (8:14) batch bookable. That’s a batch.

So one can book in the future. (8:24) Minimum batch, minimum number of batches. Someone can book in the future.

I see this one. (8:31) For the sake of this tutorial, I can’t use anything. Okay.

Then the next one says maximum (8:38) block bookable. Maximum block bookable. (8:44) Like, you know what’s maximum block bookable.

That’s a maximum batch bookable. (8:52) You decide as you study here. So for your own choice, choose anything you like.

(8:59) Now, this one says required buffer period of Dash. That is required buffer period. This buffer (9:10) period means time between the first batch and the second batch.

And time between the second batch (9:19) and the third batch. Because it will not be nice. Like, (9:25) this batch starts from something like 6 a.m. and ends at 8 a.m. And another batch starts (9:31) 8 a.m. immediately.

It’s not making sense. At least the first batch starts from 6 a.m. and (9:39) ends at 8 a.m. There should be space. Space of time between the two.

You, the gym manager, (9:46) have time to, you know, rearrange the gym center, put things in order, put everything (9:52) back to its normal state before the next batch comes in. You understand? So, you have this. (10:01) Then the next one says adjacent buffering.

This adjacent buffering simply means if you (10:10) touch this question mark, they will explain it better for you. Just time between, (10:18) for instance, as we add one hour here for the buffer, it has to be like one hour (10:33) after the first batch and another one hour before the second batch. That is two hours in between.

(10:41) Okay? So, if you like, you choose it that way. If you don’t like, (10:46) leave it. If you like, you remove it.

If you like, you add it. It is your choice. (10:50) But for the sake of this tutorial, my own is already fixed.

So, this in between (10:58) um, this buffering thing will not affect this particular tutorial because I have a fixed (11:07) blocks. Two hours in block. You understand? So, (11:16) if you are doing something of this kind, like you can see this next one that says (11:22) not available.

You see all dates are not available by default. The other one said (11:31) available by default. So, if you choose available by default, that’s when this adjacent thing can (11:36) affect the system.

But for me, for this particular tutorial, I choose normal. Like I was saying, (11:48) if under this, all dates are not available by default is what I prefer. So, because not (11:58) available by default is what I choose, that means this buffering thing may not affect it (12:06) depending on the time I choose.

Like I choose 6am to 8am. (12:15) For the first part, 9am to 11am for the second part. Then, (12:24) 4pm to 6pm for the third part.

So, this buffering thing may not affect it. Are you getting it? But (12:34) if you choose this available by default, all dates are available by default, that means (12:43) this buffering thing will affect it as you choose two hours. Therefore, I need to add one hour in (12:51) between each of the time.

So, the whole day, for instance, 6am to 8am. You now put one hour in (13:02) between. 9am to 11am.

You now put one hour in between. Then, choose 1am to 3pm. Just like that (13:13) continues.

But for the sake of this tutorial or this particular place we are now, I’m choosing (13:21) not available so that the particular time I fixed will be available here. So, the next one now says (13:32) um check rules. Okay, check rules against uh check rules against our blocks.

(13:45) Yes, so just go it like that if you like. See, both of them serves the same purpose but (13:54) you can just see the grammar there. Check rules against.

So, anything confusing you click this blue (14:01) question mark and you understand it better. Now, look at the next one say restrict selectable (14:10) restrict selectable days and I’m have to mark it on then come here and restrict days. These days (14:18) you see here Monday to Saturday is the days the service the yoga class will be available except (14:27) That’s why Sunday is not available.

So, you cannot select Sunday. You cannot book Sunday. (14:32) No one can book Sunday.

Okay, so the next thing I see first block start at what? (14:40) First block of the day start at what? 6am. If you watch it 6am is what I choose there. (14:50) Okay, and it’s on that row.

Now, type. I choose type to be what? Time range all week. (14:59) Dependent.

Why I choose time range all week? It’s just because of the kind of this business which (15:06) runs in its time and runs all week. Are you getting it? So, in each day it runs. What time does it start? (15:17) 6am and the first one end at 8am.

Is it bookable? Yes, the order is one. (15:27) Priority order is one. The second type is still the same time range all week.

(15:37) And the second class start from 9am to 11am and it’s bookable and priority is still. I explain (15:44) priority in another one. Even if you don’t get it right, you can see this grammar below here.

(15:51) Rules with lower priority numbers. Read it and understand it clearly. Then the third one I said (15:59) same time range.

You can see it. Then I choose 4pm. This is 6. 16.

4pm. (16:09) Then end the watch 6pm. You can see it and the priority.

This is three. So, this one we are done (16:18) with this. So, each day we run 6am to 8am, 9am to 11am and 4pm to 6pm.

Everything except on Sundays. (16:33) No one can choose any time apart from that. Okay, let me tell you something.

(16:40) Yeah, this book option because I said here this is fixed blocks. So, we are working on the fixed (16:50) block. Okay, but if we choose customer defined block, that means customer defined path.

Customer (16:58) will choose the path, the block, he or she will book. It will be a different thing from what you (17:06) just a little bit different. Okay, let’s go on.

You the owner of the business will create this (17:15) based on your choice, based on how you want it. You get possibly say if you can create this one, (17:23) publish it and create another coupon and still publish it giving them different, you know, (17:33) features. It’s just the way you want it.

(17:37) So, let’s move on. So, the next one we should check is this cost because we are done with this. (17:47) This cost simply the cost of this service and I choose this block cost 5000.

That’s in each (17:57) patch cost 5000. So, I advise you to choose the block cost 5000. That’s this.

(18:07) If you like, you can write it in a big display, but I prefer this one so that it will be charging (18:12) it a bit longer. Excuse me. Now, the rooms under this weekly thing we are running, (18:22) the range of weeks, you can choose any number.

For the sake of this tutorial, the one we are (18:29) running, the range of weeks is better for, it’s best suited for this range of weeks. (18:44) Because if you add values in order this cost, it will go and sum up (18:50) to the basic cost, this block cost we have added here. But for this tutorial, (18:57) I don’t want customers to have a confused something like because they will be seeing this, (19:05) they will be seeing this, this 5000 here.

So, if the customer is saying 5000, (19:13) maybe at the end of the day, you’re not trying to pay, you’re not seeing more than 5000. (19:17) And you’ll be surprised and where is this money coming from and why is it like that? (19:22) So, you will not be comfortable, you may not be okay with it. So, for the sake of the tutorial, (19:27) or you that knows your business well, you know how to, how to fix your costs.

(19:35) So that it will be okay. And one good thing about this is that as you’re doing your testing, (19:42) as you’re creating your testing, like you create, you save as draft and you review, (19:49) you understand and you see how the customer will view it, the customer’s experience. (19:54) When you see it exactly how your customer will see it, become okay with it before you now submit (20:01) for the final, submit the final product and it will now come out to the market, everybody can (20:07) accept it.

So, this is looking now in person now, you can see now we have gotten to this place (20:17) under this person, minimum person that can apply that can book is one and the maximum person that (20:25) can book a block is what? It’s still a six. Minimum person that can book a block is one (20:35) and the minimum person that can book a block is six. Are you getting it? So, (20:42) this is your choice.

You as the owner of the business, the person managing the business, (20:50) decide how you want it. So, what I will explain what I mean by this so that you get it better. (20:56) Now, if you see the first one, it says multiply all costs by person count.

That means (21:05) if this multiply all costs by person count, that means if the customer book (21:14) a block that’s equal in numbers and the number come and there are six in numbers, that means (21:19) it will multiply the cost by six. You understand? So, I wouldn’t want it in this (21:29) tutorial. I wouldn’t want that type.

If you, the owner of the system, owner of your business, (21:35) would want it after understanding all I’m going to teach you now, then it’s your choice. You know (21:43) how you run your business. You do it the way you want.

Now, the next one says count person as a (21:49) booking. If you still choose mark this count person as a booking, it will still calculate, (21:59) you know, multiply the cost of a block by how many persons the customer choose because (22:09) why the customer of the booking will select how many people in that particular booking. (22:16) I get it.

So, I will not advise that. I will not do that in this tutorial. (22:24) You, that own your business, you know how best to do it.

So, this enable person types, (22:34) yes, the types of person that can be part of the booking. Now, I choose here as a type of person (22:44) adult. That’s number one type of person, adults.

Under adults, (22:52) costs, base cost of the adult is zero. I don’t want to add more value here. You understand? I (22:58) just want it to be that particular price per block.

The minimum of persons, minimum of adults (23:06) will be here, at least one. And the maximum of adults that will be here is two. That is, (23:17) if like a family, you know, husband or wife want to go to gym, yes, some of them can go to gym.

(23:26) And that’s become two adults. For instance, if they have children and they want to go with (23:32) their children, that’s the next one. Okay.

That is children. I get it. So, if they are going with (23:41) their children, therefore, they have to pay.

Because that 5,000 is at least for one block. (23:47) But if they are going with their children, therefore, they have to pay for each children (23:54) two. And the minimum of children is zero.

So, it’s not more children will follow them. (24:06) And the maximum of children that will follow them is four. So, this is the maximum and the minimum (24:13) they can go with.

I think you get this, right? So, with this, I believe you will understand and (24:20) you will know how to create your own bookable product, right? Especially if you are under this (24:27) Jimmy stuff or something close to this. But still remember, if your own book, booking product or (24:40) bookable product is not in this class, is not in this site like this Jimmy stuff, but you don’t (24:49) exactly know or get the idea from this to do your own. Stay contact us through our customer support, (24:59) explain your business, then we will make a tutorial for it.

(25:06) So, I believe this is clear. The next one is resources. (25:10) Yes, I’ve thought this resource is somewhere there, but it’s still part of this.

(25:18) In this Jimmy stuff, it’s possible someone in a Jimmy center, they may have it. It’s possible (25:28) they may have some other things. You understand that’s a part of the (25:34) as a part of the gym.

You can, you know, you just came to gym. It’s possible you just came to gym, (25:39) do your gym for the hours and go. But if you want to still like within the time you come for the gym, (25:47) you still want to do some other thing.

You, the gym manager, you know the services you (25:53) offer there alongside the gym exercise. You can add it as your resources and you can remember (26:02) if you watch the tutorial, we had something about resources. You see how to add resources (26:07) and those things you use as side does that goes along with Jimmy stuff.

(26:16) You can use them. That’s your resources. You can create them here.

So anyone that the (26:24) customer wants, you can put them together. For instance, now this is (26:32) you see, let me see. Refreshment.

(26:44) Okay, refreshments. Now, customer selected. Yes, customer selected.

Because I wouldn’t (26:50) prefer automatically assigned. I prefer customer selected. So customer should select from the (26:59) what’s just from where he’s booking the service.

So he will select the one he wants, (27:07) you know, and the cost will still be added to this. Now, I want to choose this one, this dining (27:17) package. I want to choose dining package.

(27:31) Let me just say refreshments. (27:42) And the cost, I wouldn’t want to choose base cost. I want to choose block cost for this block.

(27:50) The price is worth, let’s say, 3,500 and maybe just can say, okay, maybe once. (28:09) Okay, I’m having a double here. Let me remove this one.

I just want only one. (28:19) I just want only this one, this dining package. (28:28) So I think I have done the necessary thing.

All other things you are seeing, (28:33) I’ve done them before. So you have seen them in other videos. Okay, so I don’t need to repeat (28:40) them.

You watch other videos, have an idea of what you want to do. We are doing our best to (28:46) make this whole thing, this whole experience very simple and easy. We don’t want anybody to find (28:55) any form of difficulties using this.

We want anybody to be able to use this. No matter your (29:03) level of tech skill, you understand, you should be able to use this. As long as you can use phone, (29:12) you should be able to use it.

As long as you use smartphone, you should be able to use this. (29:17) By watching all these tutorials, try to follow these tutorials. And these tutorials (29:22) are in different forms.

If you get to each one, you will see the videos and you will still see (29:28) the text. Like these things I’m saying now, you still found it there. If you don’t have (29:34) data to watch video, you have data to read text.

You understand? So if you can watch video, (29:42) read text. So we are doing our best to make these things so simple for everybody. Because this (29:49) digital world we are in now, because through the years we’ve seen it, the world has gone digital (29:56) and there’s nothing you can do about it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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